Finlandia Village QLD Eduskunnassa

Aloittaja Jaaks, maaliskuu 23, 2005, 22:40

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0 Jäsenet ja 1 Vieras katselee tätä aihetta.


Jouni, Urul ja muut mahdollisesti mukana olleet.

Finlandia Villagen 30 vuotis juhlat saivat maininnan meidän Eduskunnassa paikalliselta kansanedustajalta John English hänen  eilisen istunnon lopettajais (adjournment) puheessaan:

Tässä ote Hansardista (eli virallisesta puherekisteristä)

Lainaa22 Mar 2005 Adjournment 679

Australian Finnish Rest Home Association; Finlandia
Mr ENGLISH (Redlands?ALP) (6,51 pm): On Saturday, 19 March I was pleased to represent the
Premier, the Honourable Peter Beattie, at a celebration of 30 years of the Australian Finnish Rest Home
Association. This celebration was honoured by the presence of the Speaker of the Finnish Parliament,
His Excellency Mr Paavo Lipponen, a delegation from the Finnish Parliament and the Ambassador of
Finland, Her Excellency Mrs Anneli Puura-Markala.
Guest's also enjoyed a range of musical presentations from Pertti Kamppi and the Queensland
Youth Choir. I have been asked to publicly compliment the Queensland Youth Choir on their
performances. Everyone there appreciated the quality of their beautiful voices and I have it on good
authority from His Excellency Mr Lipponen that the choir's pronunciation of the Finnish lyrics was

In 1975 a group of Finnish immigrants from around Australia met to discuss establishing a nursing
home for Finnish people that would provide a high level of care in culturally sensitive surroundings. In
doing so they established the Australian Finnish Rest Home Association. During the speeches I learned
that on that occasion they passed the hat around and raised about $50. In the next 12 months they
raised a further $200. Whilst this may be seen as a difficult beginning, the final result is a testament to
the Finns? resilience and dedication.
Finlandia is a beautiful facility located at Thornlands in my electorate. They provide a range of
services on site and off site to care for elderly people, many of whom are of Finnish descent. Finlandia
has forged links with training organisations in Finland such that student nurses from Finland travel to
Australia and receive further skill development.
I would like to congratulate the President of the Australian Finnish Rest Home Association,
Mr Eric Penttila, and his board for their ongoing commitment to high quality and culturally appropriate
aged care for their clients. During the ceremony Mr Penttila and His Excellency Mr Lipponen spoke
glowingly about the support they have received from both state and federal governments in developing
the facilities at Finlandia. It should be noted that the former member for Bowman, the Honourable Con
Sciacca, is an honorary member of the Australian Finnish Rest Home Association in recognition of his
efforts on behalf of the elderly residents of Finlandia.
Whilst this was a happy event, it should be noted that some speakers mentioned the difficulty that
Finlandia was having in obtaining nursing home beds from the federal government. I gave the residents
my promise that I would raise this issue on their behalf. Finlandia and all aged care facilities in my
electorate have my support in their efforts to obtain more nursing home beds.
It should be noted that the current member for Bowman was not at this event. It is disappointing
that the federal member for Bowman, Andrew Laming, is not prepared to fight John Howard for the
needs of residents of the Redlands. I regularly hear complaints from residents about the difficulty they
have in finding nursing home beds for their loved ones within or close to the Redlands. Again I urge the
Andrew Laming to listen to his constituents, stand up for Finlandia and allocate more nursing home beds
to the Redlands.
Motion agreed to.
The House adjourned at 6.54 pm.

Aito Hansard löytyy täältä

(kirjoita hakuun Finlandia ja sitten 22.03 hansardista haet "Adjournment" joka alkaa sivulta 90 ja Johnin puhe alkaa sivulta 95)


Kiitos tiedonvälityksestä Jaaks! Mukava huomata, että Jon English piti juhlassa antamansa lupauksen ja vei asiaa edes tämän verran eteenpäin. Ei tuolla puheella kuitenkaan mahda olla kovin suurta merkitystä asiamme ajamiselle, mutta pienistä pisaroista se merikin syntyy! Ja kukapa tietää, vaikka asiaa etenisi tämän ansiosta edes hieman pidemmälle?!

Tämän australiansuomalaisten hoivakotiasian edistymisen yhtenä suurimpana ongelmana tuntuu muuten olevan, etteivät asiasta päättävät (liittovaltiotason) poliitikot ja virkamiehet huomioi hoivakotipaikkoja myöntäessään sitä, että Finlandia Village ei ole alueellinen vaan kansallinen laitos. Tämä ei käy oikeastaan ilmi edes tuosta yllä siteeratusta puheesta. Mutta jospa tämäkin viesti menisi ajan mittaan perille oikeille henkilöille!

Tulevaisuuden suhteen optimistisena


Hienoa että Finlandia Villagen asian taakse tulee uusia kasvoja. Näin enemmän julkisuutta ja sitä kautta mahdollisesti enemmän sille kuuluvia julkisia rahoja.

Kiitti Jaaksille artikkelista!

- Salibandy? Brisbanessa


Jouni :D

Kuten sanoit, niin pisarasta se merikin alkaa.

Kyllä tuo viesti sinne Canberraan menee, onhan John English Labor ja Andrew Laming Liberal.  Canberrassa luetaan kaikkien oasvaltioiden istuntopäiväkirjat ja takuulla kaikki nykyiseen liittovaltio hallitukseen kohdistuva vähänkin negatiivinen huomioidaan.  Ellei välittömästi, niin ainakin sitten tulevien vaalien alla taas.

Se oikea henkilö ajamaan Finlandia Villagen asiaa on juuri Andrew Laming ja hänhän sanoi avajaispuheessaan eduskunnassa mm näin:

LainaaMr Andrew Laming MP, Member for Bowman (Qld)
First Speech To Parliament - 17/11/2004

I would like to see more aged care places for Bowman. Sometimes the allocation formulas are not as user friendly as we would like?particularly for areas like Bowman where there is a large degree of mobility.

Koko puhe löytyy täältä:

Ei muuta kuin Hoitokoti Yhdistys ottamaan yhteys Andrew Lamingiin joko suoraan tai sitten paikallisen John Englishin kautta ja kysymään mitäs on tapahtunut vaalilupauksille ja hienoille puheille.  
Siinä varmaan syy miksi hän ei siellä näyttäytynytkään, koska mitään ei ole tullut tehtyä lupauksista huolimatta.