WH-viisumi ja rikosrekisteri

Aloittaja Janihoo, lokakuu 26, 2012, 20:51

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Kaveri olisi tulossa Australiaan ensvuoden puolivälin tienoilla ja ollaan tässä mietitty että mitenköhän rikosrekisteri vaikuttaa WH viisumin saamiseen? En tuolta immin sivuilta ihan heti löytänyt mitään faktoja joten ajattelin täältä kysästä. Rikosrekisteristä kaverilla löytyy pelkästään törkeä kavallus. Mahtaakohan kyseinen merkintä vaikuttaa viisumin saamiseen?


Lainaan suoraan immin sivuilta:

LainaaAll non-citizens, including sponsors of visa applicants and non-migrating family members seeking to enter or stay in Australia, must be assessed against the character requirement.

The character test

A person will not pass the character test where:

they have a substantial criminal record

they have been convicted of any offence that was committed while in immigration detention, during an escape from immigration detention, during a period where a person escaped from immigration detention, or if the person has been convicted of the offence of escaping from immigration detention

they have, or have had, an association with an individual, group or organisation suspected of having been, or being, involved in criminal conduct

having regard to the person's past and present criminal conduct, the person is found not to be of good character

having regard to the person's past and present general conduct, the person is found to be not of good character

there is a significant risk that the person will engage in criminal conduct in Australia, harass, molest, intimidate or stalk another person in Australia, vilify a segment of the Australian community, or incite discord in the Australian community or in a segment of that community, or represent a danger to the Australian community or a segment of that community.

Substantial criminal records

A person is deemed to have a substantial criminal record if they have been:

sentenced to either death or life imprisonment

sentenced to a term of imprisonment for 12 months or more

sentenced to two or more terms of imprisonment (whether on one or more occasions), where the total of those terms is two years or more

acquitted of an offence on the grounds of either unsoundness of mind or insanity and, as a result, the person has been detained in a facility or institution.

Kun hakee WH:tä, siinä pitää kertoa mahdolliset tuomiot ja jos oman harkinnan mukaan ne ei ole mene tuon "substantialin" yli, niin voi kait sitä laittaa hakemusta, mutta viisumin hakumaksua ei saa takaisin, vaikka hakemus hylättäisiin. Enkä menisi valehtelemaan kyseisestä asiasta hakemuksiin, "making a false declaration", koska siitä voi olla melkoiset seuraukset, jos jää kiinni.  ???


jos viisumi menee lapi niin ne ei sita ala sen jalkeen tonkimaan. eli seuraamuksia siita etta unohtaa jotain kirjottaa siihen hakemukseen eitartte pelata. jos et paase maahan ni tarviiko ausseihin sakkoja alkaa maksamaan? ;)